Welcome to Tonga Schools

Bridging the communication between the plurilingual families and the school

At the core of this Erasmus+ project lies the endeavor to connect plurilingual families with schools. Our goal is to develop resources that will enhance this communication and establish a network of Tonga schools.

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Tonga Schools:
What is it?

Tonga Schools is more than just an educational initiative; we are a community dedicated to breaking down communication barriers between families speaking more than one language at home and the mainstream schools, for the well-being of the children. Our commitment and mission are to empower families in their communication with the schools; and the schools to become spaces where languages are welcomed.

Tonga Schools Network is a dedicated team of educators, linguists, and community advocates who have come together to make a difference in the lives of plurilingual families. We understand the challenges they face, and we are passionate about providing solutions to overcome them.

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We aim at bridging the communication between plurilingual families and the schools. This is at the heart of this Erasmus+ project. We aim at creating tools to help facilitate this communication and create a network of Tonga schools (tonga means “welcome” in the Malagasy language).
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Target Groups

  • Schools staff
  • Plurilingual families
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About Us

We are a group of 5 European organisations: one university and 4 associations who have decided to join forces to tackle this problem of communication between plurilingual families of migrant – refugee – low socio-economic background and the mainstream schools.
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Tools We Are Producing

  • Booklet for families
  • Framework and tools for schools
  • E-learning platform for school staff
  • Parents’ Cafés
  • Tonga schools network
Tonga Schools Connecting Plurilingual Families

Why a Tonga School Network?



Developing harmonious relationships between schools and plurilingual families is at the heart of a successful education of children growing up with multiple languages. We are aiming at getting schools to be aware of the multifaceted aspects of multilingualism and to accept the whole of the children. We also aim at giving the families to right tools to be able to communicate with the local formal school. So that children are not anymore “translating actors” between the school and their parents.


We are going to create a framework with toolkit for school staff, so that they get the proper tools to communicate with plurilingual families. This framework will be completed by a series of modules to learn more about the family language planning and the impact of attitudes towards languages. Another activity will be the development of a booklet for the plurilingual families. All of those will be found on a platform. We will start also a network of Tonga School and Parents’ Cafés in schools.


In developing a better awareness on the development of family plurilingualism and in modifying the attitude of school staff regarding the home languages, we want to bridge the communication between the plurilingual families and the schools, to develop a better interaction between the plurilingual families and the schools. We are hoping to create a network of schools using the framework, they may have one person in the school who would be dedicated to work specifically on bridging with families.

Our Tools for Families

Our commitment to bridging communication between plurilingual families and schools comes to life through our powerful tools. These tools are designed with one goal in mind: to empower families and facilitate a stronger connection with the school community, for the well-being of their children.

Our “Booklet for Families” provides valuable insights and resources for effective language educational navigation and allowing families to share more easily on the languages which are part of their family life, while “Parents’ Cafés” offer a safe space for dialogue and collaboration, where you can build those bridges of communication and promote a language inclusive the educational environment. These tools empower families and school communities to connect, share experiences, and build linguistically inclusive educational atmosphere.

Discover our family-focused tools, join us in fostering effective communication in the educational community, and help create a better communicative and language-welcoming environment for all.



Parents’ Cafés

Parents’ Cafés





Booklets for Schools


Blog Posts

Blog Posts





Our Tools for Schools

Our commitment to bridging communication between plurilingual families and schools is reflected in the powerful tools we created for educational institutions. These tools have been meticulously designed to equip schools with the knowledge and resources they need to connect with plurilingual families effectively, ensuring a more language-inclusive educational community.

Our Framework and “E-Learning Platform for School Staff” is a dynamic, written, doanwloadable and online resource that provides educators with the knowledge and tools necessary to create schools open to languages.
Through interactive modules and informative content, school staff can enhance their intercultural competence, discover family multilingual education, learn effective communication strategies, and gain a deeper understanding of the needs of plurilingual families.

Discover our tools for schools, promoting communication and inclusivity the welcoming of languages. Join us in creating a more language welcoming and create a positive impact on the formal education of the children.

Our Partners

Meet our partners who play a crucial role in our journey towards a more inclusive education landscape.

Logo iFALL
Logo Red Incola
Logo UCLan